Callie Arkwright

a WoW character 9 years in the making meets FFXIV Mateus

at a glance

Name: Callie(?) ArkwrightAge: 22Birthday: April 9thRace: Miqo’te – Keeper of the MoonGender: FemaleSexuality: PansexualMarital Status: Married – Semi-Open RelationshipHair: Golden blonde hair that reaches just above her shoulders, or a thick mess of a ponytail with braids woven around it if she feels like wearing her extensions!Eyes: Bright Emerald GreenHeight: 5 fulms 1 ilm (5′1″)Build: PetiteDistinguishing Marks: A whole lot of those cute freckles all over her cheeks, nose, and shoulders.Common Accessories: Claw-like manicured nails. Wedding ring.Language(s): EorzeanProfession: Owner of the Snuggly Moggle Maid Café and Professional Dancer (on maternity leave)Hobbies: Dancing, baking, making friends, general lighthearted mischief, going to parties, taking baths


Before you is a spry little excuse of a Miqo’te, one bearing a huge and toothy grin for all to see. Her presence radiates with a certain enthusiasm that only those who are untouched by the corruption of the dark world that surrounds the population of this world and the next one.Let us start from her head down to her toes, then the nitty gritty of her being.The first thing you would notice is the short stature this girl has, standing at a mere 5'1". Though in this height is a slim and feminine figure, subtle curves of her everblooming body as it matures even as we speak. In light of her adolescence, her skin is fair with little to no flaws tainting such a complexion.Speaking of, she has a very round face typical of those still growing into the body they will come to be. Her cheeks are still defined, as is her jawline, though they are behind supple flesh that makes everything seem fluid. Upon her frame is set two glittering, green orbs, shrouded by long and lustrous eyelashes to adorn it. This eye is a sheer pool of positivity and a thirst for life in itself.Her golden tresses may fall down to her shoulders, a certain beauty in the gentle curves that make their way into it.The words that flow from these pink, plump lips are bouncy and cheerful, with no sign of hesitation--unless the girl is found to be in a flustering environment. She has a high pitched voice that is characteristic of young girls of her age range, and everything she says is loaded with a wholehearted energy.The blonde is typically very outgoing, approaching any and all who are near, especially if she sees a part of them that is absolutely worth her inquiry. One of her guiltiest pleasures in life is being able to find something interesting in everyone she meets, which is always sated upon any conversation she has with an individual.For now, that's all you have time to examine from afar. If you wish to learn anything else about this girl, you'll just have to find it out for yourself.

characteristics & hobbies

With every fiber of her being, Callie cares for others as if they were her own blood. She is likely seen going out of her way to do whatever it takes to get a gloomy expression far away from one's face, perhaps just with her own bright demeanor. If pressed with further curiosity on why she wants only good for others, one may find out that she has not always been shown the same kindness, though it's uncharacteristic of her to share such personal details with the general public.In similarity with her adventurous nature, she values her youthful curiosity. She is often seen running up to random strangers to inquire about whatever seems the most interesting of them. This could range from their garb to the eavesdropping of their conversations, which she is very guilty of doing a large part of the time. Though, she means well and would never have intentions of spilling all the details she may discover through such spying with another, because regardless of her talkative and outgoing nature she is very uptight in the sense that she hates gossip and doesn't hold the information she comes by through it with much high hopes.Callie is very athletic, and she exercises on a regular basis. Being a professional dancer, she wakes every morning before dawn and begins training and practicing her newest routines. However, now that the catte is on her way to start her own family and is with child, her previously rigorous work out regimens have been reduced to light stretching and cardio to ensure she stays fit in her new, transforming body at the very least. She does hope to soon return to her previous physique, time and recovery from her pregnancy permitting.The blonde girl is a natural baker at heart. Ever since she was a young little kit, she had been cooking for her family regularly. Now that she is older and has a kitchen of her very own, she spends a lot of her free time baking all sorts of sweets, whether they are for her personal pleasure or for either branch of her café out in the Goblet.

roleplay hooks

Café Owner: Callie owns the Snuggly Moogle maid café, which she posts advertisements around the various capital cities regularly! One may pass by it in the Goblet or see one of the ads by chance.Dancer: She used to work at the Whispered Wish as one of their dancers and has performed at other events around Eorzea. There is a possibility that someone saw one of her performances!Loves Parties: Callie loves going to big parties and events to meet new people! Any time she hears about one, she marks it on her calendar and tries to go if at all possible. There's plenty of opportunities for all kinds of people to meet her there.The Quicksand: Regardless of the fact that Callie thinks the Quicksand is super trashy, she does visit there every once in a while since it has proven to house some diamonds in the rough every once in a while. She's definitely not opposed to have randoms walk up to her, granted they aren't total creepers.

ooc information

Contact me at Callie Catte#9907 on discord or in-game on Callie Arkwright if you would like to set something up for our characters! Callie is my babe I’ve had for the longest, and so she is a very well rounded character with an… interesting personality to say the least! She is a cute jumping jelly bean of fun and goofiness, so don’t be scared to hit me up~! ♥I'm good with most types of scenes, though I do not have any intentions of instigating any physical altercations with Callie in a roleplay because she is just not a fighter. However, if your character wants to come punch her in the face for whatever reason, you're more than welcome to do that! (Even though she's a precious bean.)Timezone: CST (UTC -6)Roleplay Style: Mirror (Paragraph or one-liners are good with me depending on the setting and situation!)


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